upscale house exterior

Mission Statement

About Us:

GMX is committed to treat each and every customer as if they are, our ONLY customer.

GMX will ALWAYS treat each customer with honesty, and integrity.

GMX will never acquire new business by deceitful or dishonest means.

GMX believes in creating LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIPS with our customers.

GMX will never sacrifice that relationship for any individual sale.

GMX customers are not assets; they are people and companies that are to be respected and nurtured.

GMX will offer the best and most innovative products and services in the below-grade waterproofing industry.

GMX will service the commercial and residential waterproofing industry through its applicators and design professionals.

GMX will strive to provide our customers with the finest most cost effective products as they become available.

GMX will never sacrifice quality for cost savings in manufacturing of our products.

GMX will continue to innovate, evolve and change to better serve the needs of our customers.

GMX will never forget that we are in the marketplace to serve our customers; the customer is not there for our benefit.

GMX will grow one customer at a time, one sale at a time.